El Gatito Gordo

Virtual food and frivolity

Location: Arkansas


Monday, March 05, 2007


I'm a failure as a blogger.

I've been looking around at other food blogs and mine sports none of the features I've noticed: pretty pictures, expert opinions, regular updates *cough*. But I'm learning, and hope to make improvements.

So, baby steps. Updating.

The name of the blog comes from an imaginary cantina/catering service I named after my cat Pookie. He was an enormous orange tabby who would whore himself for tuna. Food (and petting) was his object in life, and I invented a cafe that would embody his love of pleasure. The menu would feature big, bold flavors--lots of chiles, spices. I love global cuisine, and I'd hope to convince others to love it, too. Of course, I have too little food service experience to put it into practice, but it was a nice fantasy. And I keep the idea alive here.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I'm still coughing, and one nostril is burning: I made tacos tonight with some of my home-grown Habaneros in the mix. My plant (yes, singular) produced one of the best crops I've ever had, and I just harvested the last of them last week--you know, third week of November? The weather must have been just perfect, and stayed that way. I can hardly wait until spring so I can try again, this time with a dozen plants. Then I'll have my famous sambal oolek up to my eyeballs. I'll be loving every minute of it.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I've been trying to get my blogs in a row today; this is the last of them. By moving it to the Google format it should be easier to update--or in my case, keep track of. I was hampered by the lack of a computer earlier this fall--my old one died the death, and I had no money to replace it. But now I have a sweet new machine that's just dandy, so I'm back in business.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Editing this is proving harder than I thought--the ghost of blog past keeps surfacing, complete with old title and orientation. And template.

This may be published only in Never-never land, but I'll keep trying.

Monday, September 04, 2006

New and improved! Or something like that.

I started this site in February, then became painfully busy and neglected it until I lost the addy. In the course of recovering it I started a new, similar blog, so I decided to revamp this into V2.

New title, new focus. And more of my attention.

Let the blogging begin!